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Created by Charisma

Friday, May 14, 2010

*.* Scholarship application *.*

Dear all,

Mr fat and fast here. I'm here to talk about my scholarship application process. HAHAS! actually im supposed to apply for my scholarship last week when the window was opened. However, i procrastinated and was wondering should I apply for this window or wait for the next window. And also, i did not really make that effort to find out how to apply and i don't know how to also. HAHAS. As such, I did not apply for the scholarship at all within the stipulated deadline. HAHAS! The deadline was actually on 9 May. Then on this Weds, 12 May, i was chatting on facebook with one of my senior from my school. He's kinda one of my best friends in Campus crusade and I always ask him for advice for studies also. Then he told me to faster go and apply scholarship also. After talking to him for so long, I FINALlY and reluctantly went to the SMU website and TRIED to apply. Zero sense of urgency. haix. But when my senior told me how to apply already, I was actually quite excited. hahas. that was WEDS, 1640. hahas. the window was still opened and i could still submit the application. My senior said it's better to send an email to the relvant department to confirm and ask them whether will they accept my application. As a obedient boy, Mr fat and SLOW decided to send an email to ask for another chance to apply, and my reason was personal negligence. HOHO!

At this point of time, any logical person would definately apply while waiting for the mail. but Mr fat and SLOW didn't. because he's lazy to write the long essay(actually it's not that long)and he cites timing as an issue because he got to go prayer meeting already. Lo and behold, the department emailed me back that evening and told me they will go and ask if the extension was possible. I was so happy when I heard that! thank God! hahahs. so i had a goodnight sleep and went to work the next morning, knowing that God will help me. HAHAS!

When I reach office the next morning, I saw an email from the incharge for the scholarship application.

From: Felicia GOH
Sent: Thu 5/13/2010 9:18 AM
To: SIAW Kiat Hau
Subject: RE: Scholarship application

Hi Kiat Hau

Thanks for your email.Please let me know your reason for not being able to apply before the stipulated deadline.



Oops! I was thinking die already. HAHAS! my reason is personal negligence, any smart person would know the school will not allow a lazy and blur person to apply for SCHOLARSSHIP when he missed the deadline. Haix. At that moment, i struggled with the temptation of trying to lie and beautify my excuse so they will allow me to apply. The temptation lasted 5 secs when I contemplated to weave fairy tales and logical stories like I was overseas or blah blah blah.. HAHA. But i know that would not work cause im sure they will ask for the passport photocopy to prove or what. Then I decided to honour God and be honest, though i know the chance of them allowing me to apply will be almost zero if i'm honest. but well, honour God and being truthful is more important yar. AMEN! HAhass. so I wrote an email.................hohos!

From: SIAW Kiat Hau
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:44 AM
To: Felicia GOH
Subject: RE: Scholarship application

Dear Ms Felicia,

I've actually encountered some difficulty understanding the criterias of the submission and I was unsure of the procedure to apply for the scholarship through oasis until my senior helped me about it yesterday. Coupled in with the start of my internship last week, I was unable to clarify and enquire about the criterias on time. Basically, i could have been more active and it's my negligence that caused me to miss the deadline. yup.s

Yours sincerely,

kiat hau

HAHAS. ok la, I admit I tried to beautify my excuse abit. But I did admit that it's my negligence la. HAhAS.so i sent the mail. woohhoos! yupssy.
Then the reply came yesterday................................it's coming,

From: Felicia GOH
Sent: Thu 5/13/2010 1:46 PM
To: SIAW Kiat Hau
Subject: RE: Scholarship application

Hi Kiat Hau

Noted, we’ll extend the deadline for you.
Please put in your application and let me know when you have submitted it.




WOW!!!! God is awesome when you are being honest and just admit it's ur fault of being lazy and unsure of how to apply. HAHAS!. so siawkiathau happily applied and thank God! What is even more amazing is that the school sent out a mass email again to say that they will extend the dateline to 16 May!!! hahahsssaa. perhaps it's to be fair to the rest cause they exended for me.? (though my bro says perhaps alot of ppl also emailed them, but I believe it's God who works for me. hahas) WOWWWWW!!!! so awesome. i really think that it's God who works for my good. i really thank God because when we are honest and honour God and be frank, God's favour will definately be upon You! and it's not even whether I will get the scholarship anot, but it's about God loving me and giving favour to me although Im lazy and don't deserve it! thank You Jesus! praise You God. i love You too. HAHAS! i will apply duly the next time round.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Fat & Fast


Handsomely Cutes

Mr Siaw Kiat Hau, Julian

I needed Jesus @ | 11:55 AM